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Core Skills
Machine learning, data mining, predictive models, natural language processing, neural networks, simulation, relational database access, NoSQL, data warehousing concepts, SAS, SPSS, R, Python, JAVA, MATLAB, PIG
Power Competencies
Research, communications, problem solving, organizational skills, presentation skills


COMPTIA ITF+, SAS, Oracle, IBM, MS(MTA, MSCE, MSCA), Range of Data Science Certifications are available - see https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/data-science-certifications

Educational Providers

Public and private 2-year and 4-year colleges, universities Bootcamps & technical Centers Certification entities such as COMPTIA, Microsoft, Google, ITIL

Ohio Median Salary


A Sr. Data Scientist...

The senior level of this position generally has 3 to 5 years experience and may also lead other data scientists to develop and implement a set of techniques or analytics applications to transform raw data into meaningful information using data-oriented programming languages and visualization software. Apply data mining, data modeling, natural language processing, and machine learning to extract and analyze information from large structured and unstructured datasets. Visualize, interpret, and report data findings. May create dynamic data reports.

Alternative Titles

Machine learning engineeer, AI Engineer, Machine Learning Scientist, AI Scientist


You should be: Experienced in creating and analyzing complex multi-dimensional datasets using data mining, natural language and machine learning, and visualization tools such as SAS, R, Pythion Develop advanced predictive models and map them to real business processes Able to lead a team or collaborate with the higher levels of business users to communicate insights from the data that could be impactful to the business Credentialed at the BS or higher level with appropriate IT and Data Science industry recognized certifications