Educator Events

Teacher Social

August 10, 2023

To kick off the 2023-24 school year we invite secondary teachers, educators, counselors, and administrators to join us at Market Garden Brewery for a casual networking event. This is an opportunity for everyone to network and enjoy some food and beverages. This event is free and open to all educators interested in engaging their students in IT/Tech related career exploration.

Greater Cleveland Partnership’s Teacher Social

Thursday, December 14, 2023 (4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.)
1240 Huron Road East Cleveland, Ohio 44115

Join us at the Greater Cleveland Partnership building for a casual networking event. We’ll share info about our Early Career Exploration and provide an opportunity for everyone to network and enjoy some food and beverages.

Greater Cleveland Partnership’s Teacher Social

January 16, 2025
Greater Cleveland Partnership

Educators will receive information about our upcoming portfolio of programs (like Passport to IT Careers, Discover IT, and IT Career Conversations) and provide an opportunity for everyone to network and enjoy some food and beverages.

Teacher Social

January 16, 2025 from 4 - 6 PM at the Greater Cleveland Partnership

Join us at the Greater Cleveland Partnership building for a casual networking event. We’ll share info about our Tech Talent Programs and provide an opportunity for everyone to network and enjoy some food and beverages.